Welcome to the IHateTaxis.com overseas travel medical support section. These pages are intended to provide overseas travel medical guidance for your trip preparation. Travel medical Information presented here was written by a experienced travelling registered nurse and advice given is not intended to replace that of a physician. If you need additional information, please consult your local health provider.
What is Abdominal Discomfort?
Often with travel comes the need to introduce your body to new foods, spices and bacteria and depending on the individual often times this leads to abdominal discomfort. Avoiding it can be difficult but considering the following can help. Always take care to ensure what you're eating is clean including the water you drink and the water the food you are eating may have been washed and grown in. Eating from street vendors and facilities lacking refrigeration can be risky. Avoid all meat that is not well cooked all-the-way through. If you are not accustomed to eating spicy food, take it easy. Eating out a lot and consuming large heavy meals may lead to heart burn. Try eating less food more often instead. Fruit, is tastes great, especially that sweet tropical stuff but don't get too carried away. This can often lead to uncomfortable gas pains and occasionally diarrhea. if you are suffering from gas pains the best thing you can do to help pass gas pains is walk around. Most of all, listen to your body. If it is trying to say it has had enough or it is too spicy, listen!
Written by Kim Zieman
